Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Note on Positivity from the Great Roger Miller

*Find Roger Miller at the bottom of this post. The rest is just me ramumbleventing.

photo: Vladimir Rolov

Bad days. They happen. They're nothing new. See: Julius Caesar, Sonny Bono, Eeyore...but it's the people who have bad decades that I just can't understand.

Everyone knows them. It goes like this:

You: "Good morning (Name Here). How are you today?"

Name Here: "Meh." (long pause........................................................) "How are you?"

You: (thinking) My sock got wet on the walk to work this morning and my rent is late and I accidentally bought sugar-free cookies.

You: (speaking) "I'm great. Thanks."

The funny thing is, at least in my experience, by the end of the day, you may not really be "great", but you'll certainly be in a better place than Name Here. Really.

I have to remind myself of this often. I'm not saying one should be a fake Pollyanna Golightly.

Just be yourself - expecting something amazing to happen on a random Tuesday.


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