Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Dream of Food

My calligraphy class was canceled last night due to a sniffly instructor, so I did a little practice at home.

My apologies for the grainy iPhone pics. I have a May resolution to only use my actual camera. (I usually substitute birthday resolutions for New Year's ones and on Seis de Mayo, I turn 31, so the time is near.)

I wrote out a bunch of yummy fake menus last night while eating a black bean burger and mac and cheese from a box. (I wasn't eating them directly from the box. They were cooked first.)

It might have been more fun to write out elaborate flourishing junk food menus. Doritos Flambee avec Twix Petit Fours anyone?


  1. Gorgeous! How beautiful! If I had that talent I would probably end up writing that way for everything. Checks, school notes, grocery lists...

  2. Your talent beyond amazes me! I love the idea of an elaborate junk food menu, haha. Be sure to add your mac and cheese! :)

  3. Thanks! That reminded me of a Michelangelo exhibit I saw once where he would sketch out his grocery lists for illiterate assistants. I like to hope that some of those lists stayed in the family and now sell for lots and lots of euros. I do have to resist the urge to over-embellish my rent check every now and then, truth be told. :)

  4. Love all of your calligraphy! It's truly stunning. Must take a very steady hand.

  5. Gorgeous! But yes, I'll take a Twix with my blood orange sorbet any day.

  6. Beautiful! I used to do calligraphy years ago. You make me want to start it up again.

  7. I'm blushing. Thank you all so much.
