Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Irrational Nerdy Excitement

Books. Books. Books. They clutter up my dining table, spaces under the bed, 2 books deep in shelves. Art books, cookbooks, Russian literature books, poetry books, books on birds and trees and bugs, shallow chic lit books...

Last Christmas, I received a Nook Color from family and friends. I think everyone (myself included) was silently hoping for instant transformative minimalism. I would walk around wearing only white with my hair in a bun reading digitally with no papercuts.

Instead, now I find books I love on the Nook and read them there and buy a second hard copy for bubble bath library time.

Alas, I'm incurable. I especially heart vintage books, with their occasionally marbled front pages, or the strikingly simple orange Penguin covers like the one in yesterday's post.

Through creating yesterday's Etsy post and the exciting world of interweb, I found the blog

In my perusing, I saw a post mentioning that the blog's author found a collection of postcards created from vintage Penguin Book Covers. Dear reader, I squealed aloud at the thought. Then, it occurred to me that although the blog is "across the pond", the aforementioned interweb might lead me to something similar here in the States.


The set of 100 different designs comes in a faux book box. AnnnndIwant it! The End.

Oh, sorry, how rude of me, you can find them here. The End. Really this time :)


  1. Awesome!

    I'm a fellow book junkie who got a Kindle for X-mas this year. Like you, I still buy "real" books.

  2. I sort of assumed it would happen that way when I got it (the Nook), but I still love both and it's a good way to try out new things without committing since you can read sample chapters. Now to find 100 postcard pen pals...

  3. A high school friend (and fellow book junkie) just posted this on Facebook and now I'm kind of obsessed...

  4. That site is fantabulous! Of course, I'll be needing a Melville tee. ;)
