Monday, April 11, 2011

Images of My Weekend

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. ~J. Lubbock

we forgot the dish scrubby thing. so, i made one.

sunlight and leaves make Freckled Boy drunk-eyed with happiness

or so Herman Melville said...

sometimes it's good to be reminded of your smallness among things

kinda hard to see: he's holding a sign that says:
"I'm Mossome." hee hee.

the end.


  1. Great pictures! I love the borders you put around them. Very rustic :)

  2. Great pictures, I love the colors in the first shot! I have an award for you:

  3. Looks like a perfect weekend! Great photos - I've been longing to go camping, and now I want to go even more!

  4. What a beautiful happy shiny post!!
    It made a smile on my face today (when I thought it will be an impossible thing....)

    I've got your necklace and it's so so beautiful!!!! It arrived right on my birthday so it was my first birthday present! :) I had to blog about it... have a look here
